Welcome to this years NF&TA Conference 2023
- Invest in a sustainable future
14th of November, Posthallen Oslo| Prinsens gate 8.
See the program and speakers below
This year the NF&TA - Conference will focus in on the investment opportunities and requirements needed to change and accelerate the green transition in the fashion and textile industry. Building a green economy demands for a new investment philosophy. A circular textile industry will require considerable infrastructure investment. It’s time for more radical, bigger investments for a sustainable future. The conference will be held in english.
NF&TA conference program. Drop-down menu for more information:
The doors open at 08:30
Registration ends at 09.15 - the program starts at 09.30.
The Posthallen's entrance can be found at the intersection of Prinsens gate and Dronningens gate. See map.
A cloakroom will be found inside the doors, but here it will only be possible to hang up jackets, large bags, which you must bring into the location.
After the changing room, you pick up your name tag with your name and a QR code (digital business card), these are made so that they can be reused - they are therefore welcome to return when you leave.
It will be filmed during the conference for use on websites and SoMe.
Other questions? Contact us at
Linda Refvik, CEO NF&TA.
The CEO of NF&TA welcomes you to this year's conference and introduces today's host.
Thina Saltvedt, Chief analyst sustainable finance, Nordea.
Introduction of today's program and practical information.
Circular textiles – a new investment opportunity.
Speakers: Nikolai Langguth, Associate Partner at McKinsey’s Oslo office. Dunja Matanovic, Engagement manager, McKinsey Oslo
The net-zero transition is the challenge and opportunity of our generation. It will drive the largest capital reallocation since WWII to be deployed from now to 2050. For the fashion industry, sustainable investing is at an inflection point with significant acceleration and financing demand as technologies are ready to scale for disruption.
Enjoy coffee, oats and croissants and a great conversation.
Sustainability in Fashion – The investor perspective.
Stefania Saviolo, Professor of Management, Bocconi University.
Too many talks of sustainability, we need more walks (and KPIs). Sustainability in fashion is about culture, management and governance.
An introduction to the taxonomy and the investors's urge for a green portfolio.
Cathrine Dehli, Head of Customer Success and Sustainability Celsia.
The EU states that 260 billion euros are the additional annual investments in sustainable activities needed to meet the goal of EU climate neutrality in 2050. They are stepping up the game on the funding of sustainable companies. How is the fashion and textile industry hit by the new expectations and regulations? Brief introduction to the taxonomy and the investors's urge for a green portfolio.
Introduction to the Textile Transition Pathway.
Cecilia Nilsson-Bottka, Policy Officer, European Commission.
The Transition Pathway for the Textiles Ecosystem an EU initiative which seeks to build a greener, more circular, and digital future for the textiles ecosystem and to make it more resilient and competitive.
Lunch is provided by Palett! All their dishes are put together by nutrition experts, so you know you're getting what your body needs in a meal. In addition, all our products are climate-friendly (under 0.5 kg CO2e per dish).
Lene Elizabeth Hodge, Nysnø.
Nysnø, Lene Elizabeth Hodge
Sustie, John Handeland,
Norsk Tekstilgjenvinning, Pål Erik Haraldsen
Kristin Vaag works as Country Manager, Vibrent (formerly known as FJONG)
Norwegian Rain, Alexander Helle
Northern Playground, Jo Egil Tobiassen
AWAN, Anette Miwa Dimmen
New Movements, Martin Evensen
Enjoy coffee, cinnamon buns and a great conversation.
Next Generation Fashion.
Tom Savigar, founder of Avansere, Norway.
How to run a fashion company that is sustainable by design, one that has passed the point of doing no harm and commits everything to only doing good for society and the environment. Investors will look for companies who have in place objectives, initiatives and metrics to be profitable and at the same time minimize impact.
Linda Refvik, CEO NF&TA, and Thina Saltvedt, Chief analyst sustainable finance, Nordea.
Dunja Matanovic,Engagement manager, McKinsey Oslo
Dunja Matanovic is a project leader at McKinsey’s Oslo office. Her core is within strategic topics in sustainable fashion with focus on circular fashion and textile recycling. Dunja’s knowledge work includes McKinsey’s yearly publication ‘State of Fashion’, developed in collaboration with Business of Fashion. She is part of McKinsey’s Apparel, Fashion & Luxury Sustainability group in Europe.
Stefania Saviolo, Professor of Management, Bocconi University
Stefania Saviolo, PhD, is a Professor of Management and Technology at Bocconi University, a board member at listed companies, a consultant. Her academic and professional interests are in the field of brand management, organisational purpose and sustainable growth with a focus on Fashion, Luxury, Design companies. She helps companies in their sustainable transformation.
Cathrine Dehli, Head of Customer Success and Sustainability Celsia
Cathrine Dehli is co-founder and Head of Customer Success and Sustainability at the sustainability software company Celsia. Her career has involved sustainability work across public and private sectors, as Head of sustainability in IKEA Norway and Nordic Choice Hotels. Dehli has a master’s degree in industrial economics and technology management from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is a member of OECD's National Contact Point on responsible business conduct.
Cecilia Nilsson-Bottka, Policy Officer, European Commission
Cecilia Nilsson Bottka is a Legal and Policy Officer in the field of textiles in the unit (G1) for tourism and textiles in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). She joined the European Commission in 2003, where she started working for the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) and worked in the fields of mergers, cartels and state aid. Between 2013 and 2014, she worked in OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office, before joining DG GROW at the end of 2014. Prior to joining the European Commission,
Tom Savigar, Founder of Avansere
Tom Savigar, founder of Avansere. Tom is an expert in foresight, strategy and transformation. For two decades up to 2020, he was forecasting and making the future happen with The Future Laboratory for the world’s biggest and best known brands. Now with his boutique Norwegian agency Avansere, Tom explores and advances the most effective next generation enterprises that 'only do good by design'. He is currently doing this with organisations like Logitech, Mastercard, Copenhagen Airport, Europris and AlphaTauri.
Thina Saltvedt, Chief analyst sustainable finance, Nordea
Thina Margrethe Saltvedt works as Chief Analyst in the department for Sustainable Finance, leads the Government's appointed expert group for climate-friendly investments and is a board member of the environmental organization ZERO. Before this, she worked for twelve years as chief analyst for macro/oil in Nordea Markets. Thina has also worked at Norges Bank in the area of Financial Stability. Thina holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree in Economics from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), UK.
Lene Hodge, Investment Manager Nysnø Climate Investments
Lene Hodge is an Investment Manager at Nysnø Climate Investments – a state-owned climate investment company headquartered in Stavanger, Norway. Here, Lene has led efforts to integrate sustainability and ESG into the investment process for both companies and funds. She is a Board Member of portfolio companies Tise, the leading peer-to-peer second-hand app in the Nordics - and Metizoft, a leading software for compliance and sustainability in the maritime industries.
Anette Miwa Dimmen, Founder AWAN
After 15+ years in brand & product development, serial entrepreneur Anette Miwa Dimmen launched AWAN (As We Are Now) as a disruptive 24/7 comfort-first fashion concept built on circular principles and tech-driven business model. On a mission to merge fashion with wellness, AWAN is closing the gap between the clothes that we buy and the clothes that we actually wear. AWAN is the only Norwegian fashion brand in the Antler VC portfolio and currently raising their pre-seed round.
Alexander T. Helle, CEO and Creative Director of Norwegian Rain
Alexander T. Helle is CEO and Creative Director of Norwegian Rain and a board member of Norwegian Fashion Hub. He's got his academic background from a Master degree (in Rain) from NHH and Bocconi. As an all round "aesthetic functionalist" he's been working for 15 years together with T-Michael one mission - creating the world's best raincoats at the lowest possible footprint.
Jon Handeland, Founder & CEO Sustie
Jon is an engineer in sustainable systems and founder and CEO of Sustie, a VC backed fashion climate tech startup. Sustie helps fashion ecommerce stores offer carbon removal on purchase, enabling the brands to make real time direct donations corresponding to the footprint of the item. In doing so Sustie helps improve conversion so sales for its customers.
Pål Erik Haraldsen, CEO Norsk Tekstilgjenvinning AS
Pål Erik har lang erfaring innen salg og gründervirksomhet og har de siste 20 årene drevet med tekstil til helsenæringen, bl.a. gjennom Health Workers AS. Han har de siste årene jobbet aktivt med hvordan man kan oppnå mer sirkulære tekstiler i helsenæringen. Gjennom dette arbeidet ble HWReuse! etablert, som senere har blitt til Norsk Tekstilgjenvinning AS.
Jo Egil Tobiassen, Founder of Northern Playground
Jo Egil Tobiassen is originally a political scientist, journalist, and activist with Latin America and China as his playgrounds. During a skiing trip in his home country, he fell in love with both the mountains and some innovative ideas about wool and zippers. That was the beginning of Northern Playground, which was initially known for the Zipwear category but has since shifted its goal to encourage people to buy fewer clothes.
Martin Evensen, Founder & Designer, New Movements
Martin Evensen is the visionary CEO, Founder, and Designer behind New Movements, a pioneering brand that has set new standards for circular design in the footwear industry. He is a member of the NF&TA steering group and holds a comprehensive education within anatomy, physiology, design, product development, and fashion merchandising from the Academy of Art University (AAU), San Francisco.
Kristin Vaag works as Country Manager, Vibrent (formerly known as FJONG)
Kristin Vaag works as Country Manager for Vibrent (formerly known as FJONG) in Norway, which is a clothing rental company aiming to revolutionize fashion by giving people access to a sustainable, endless wardrobe. Vibrent is a digital platform that offers subscription-based clothing and accessories rentals
in Norway and Denmark, enabling brands and retailers to convert overstock into revenue through rental. Kristin is passionate about sustainable fashion and lifestyle, and she is also a member and co-owner of the green influencer agency, Team Tomorrow, and (fun fact!) author of a best-selling sewing book.
Video from last years conference shot by Shoots AS.